You cant use a sniper rifle and hide in long grass without them knowing where you are even the stealth cam dosn't work, passing jeeps will spot you the men will get out and start shooting with there back turned towards you. The hangglider is seriously annoying as hell why they would put that in is beyond me. I have 68% of the trophies for farcry 2 all the SP modes are done the game is glitchy the jackel tapes trophy is glitched you have to make sure you find 8 tapes in the north & 8 in south to have a total of 17 as you get 1 giving to you to start you off but if you miss one you can go back but it won't play the tape.įinding all the diamond cases about 216 of them is seriously a pain in the backside and it just drags & drags, you clear guard posts and there fully manned within 10mins of passing it again.